Invitation to fulfil the survey on mental health
15. July 2024

Invitation to fulfil the survey on mental health

As part of the activities of the YouMind project, we have launched a survey on mental health. If you are engaged in sport, either recreationally, or professionally, we would like to ask you to take a few moments and complete our survey on mental health. The survey is part of data gathering in the project, aiming to raise awareness of the..
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YouMind project meeting held in Miskolc
14. July 2024

YouMind project meeting held in Miskolc

On July 14th, the EUSA Institute a project partners meeting of the YouMind was hosted by the Hungarian University Sports Association in Miskolc, Hungary. The meeting was held during the European Universities Games 2024 that are ongoing in both Debrecen and Miskolc, through the month of July.    The main aim of the project is to raise awareness..
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Kick-off for project YouMind
23. January 2024

Kick-off for project YouMind

n January 22, 2024 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, the kick off meeting of the YouMind (Youth Individual Sports Mindset) project was hosted by EUSA, gathering all of the project partners to discuss the next steps that will be undertaken to realize the project's objectives. YouMind is a small-scale partnership project that aims to raise awareness about the..
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